“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” – Mark Jenkins

Mailing Address

Bryn Kass
San Francisco, CA

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Start of a Crazy Weekend

Thursdays at 1 pm (“meridian”) on Jammie plaza at UCT, something phenomenal takes place. That’s just the way things are here. This week was a relay race, sledding down Jammie plaza steps, knocking down water bottles, eating (“smashing”) pizza as quickly as possible, and doing the wheelbarrow while bobbing for balls. It was quite entertaining to say the least, and every Thursday draws a large crowd.

Thursday afternoon at 2, I was supposed to volunteer to help 2 way travel company lead semester at sea students up Lion’s Head, but, due to strong winds, they could not dock that day. So, instead, Duncan, Trevor, and I hike up Lion’s Head ourselves, with bellies full of pb&j sandwiches meant for semester at sea students. We had a nice leisurely stay at the summit before heading down the mountain. Over a beer after our hike, I learned about cricket, slang, and the academic/job arena in South Africa. Later that night we ventured to Casablanca and then a bar called Tin Roof for some good ol’ fashioned dancing.

Friday was a pool day and then again yo-yoga. The flow class we attended was phenomenal. On our way back, we stopped at Cocoa Wah Wah to refuel our stomachs. I happily scarfed down the feta cheese, couscous, and butternut squash wrap. Then, Ilana, Georgie, Taylor, and I spent the evening cuddling in Georgie’s bed, trying to figure out travel plans for the coming weeks. It’s overwhelming how many places we want to go.

Saturday, Mariah and I went to the Sports Warehouse to pick up our racing numbers. Since we don’t have a car, we decided to run there, only to become last and add a mile to our route (surprised?). We received our numbers and walked home in close to the same amount of time it took us to run there. Then, Taylor, Harry, Jack and I hopped on a train to Muizenberg, a beach on the Indian Ocean, for an afternoon with surf club. The waves weren’t very merciful towards us—the strong current that day had them stacked on top of each other every several seconds—and we were quite exhausted trying to avoid their harsh breaks, but it was a fun day. We must keep practicing.

Saturday evening, Sierra and Lenny picked Mariah and me up and took us out to an Italian dinner with Lenny’s parents, Lynne and Len (whom I had had breakfast with the week before). They are such delightful company, and we had a great carb-filled meal in preperation for the Peninsula Half Marathon that the 3 of us were to run on Sunday. Sierra had invited us to spend the night at their house in Constantia because we had to wake up so early the next day. The estate they live on is breathtaking. I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful it is. They were the most generous of hosts, and Mariah and I were giddy at our luxurious accommodations and our choice of breakfast foods at 5 am on Sunday morn.

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