“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” – Mark Jenkins

Mailing Address

Bryn Kass
San Francisco, CA

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Brief Update/ ADDRESS

After a wonderful week at Tufts in which I both: received complete closure and also realized that I am but a mere visitor on campus this semester, I headed to Dulles on a Sunday morning flight out of Logan. I'm thrilled to have gotten the chance to spend time with friends and give proper hugs and kisses before departing. I am reminded of what a wonderful place Tufts is, mostly because of the people that fill it's boundaries.

I will give you a breakdown:

- 7 am wake up, change, drive to Logan
- 9 am - 11 am BOS to Dulles
- 11 am - 4:40 pm wait in Dulles airport (met several group members here including Brittany with whom I caught up for a while)
- 4:40-5:30 board our plane (yes, of course, we maneuvered our way to sitting in our groups)
- then commenced a 16.5 hour plane ride, with a stop in Dakar
- at this point, no one really knew what time it was or was supposed to be, just that everyone all of a sudden was really friendly and had accents
- we re-checked our bags and boarded a 2 hour flight to Cape Town

In Cape Town, we were met by a wonderful crew and driven to the apartments we will be staying. I will give a better description later but the apartment buildings (courts, as they are called) are beautiful. My room has a couch and tv (what?!). I met some great new people, and I am thrilled to get to know the area in the next coming days. Tomorrow starts at 7:30 (about 4.5 hours away) with orientation...sleep is overrated, as I like to say. But, perhaps the sleepless lifestyle is ill-advised. We shall see! :)

Anyway, before I sign off and get some shut eye, here is my mailing address (know that you can also reach me via email at bryn.kass@gmail.com or BBM if you have it).

Bryn Kass
Room 7.42 Level 7
PD Hahn Building
Private Bag X 3, Rondebosch
Cape Town, Western Cape
Republic of South Africa

if you need to reach me by phone, call


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